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In this program artists of the most diverse métiers meet. From cabaret to Viennese song, from Burgtheater to swing, from Gstanzeln to profundity. The Viennese soul simply covers a lot of ground. The 4 exceptional artists have taken this to the (golden Viennese) heart and with your skills and the above
said ingredients put together a wonderful, funny, profound and above all a very entertaining program.
Under the motto: “Weanarisch for all!” Classics of the Viennese song like “I liassert Kirschen für di wachsen”, “Herrgott aus Sta” or the “Fischerhütten” find their place in it as well as poems and stories about the Viennese soul. Raunzerd, stubborn, full of humor, sometimes a bit wistful, but always to the point. At the center of the world. Vienna just!

Tini Kainrath – Hallucination Company, Rounder Girls, Songcontest participant, Dancing Stars and many more. A thoroughbred entertainer with a wonderful voice. It’s hard to imagine Austria’s singing scene without him.

Wolfgang Fifi Pissecker – founding member of the most successful Austrian cabaret group “Die Hektiker”. Also on the road as a solo cabaret artist, including his cabaret about the Way of St. James. Over 4,500 performances in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Actor in countless cinema and TV productions, soon to be seen in the upcoming 4th season of Vorstadtweiber.

Rudi Koschelu – An original in Austrian music and especially in the Viennese song scene. On the road for 40 years in the service of the Viennese song. A rarely extensive vocal and text repertoire, as well as the ability to sing two (the so-called “third”) sometimes even three voices in any register
distinguish Rudi Koschelu as a Wienerlied singer. In addition, he was a long-time contraguitarist of Karl Hodina.

Tommy Hojsa – “Art is the better world!” A sentence from Tommy Hojsa, which he not only says, but also lives fully. As a multi-musician on all instruments, he is particularly fond of the accordion. He has worked with greats such as Karl Ratzer, Nicolas Ofczarek, Karl Hodina and many others. makes music and performs again and again in the most important theaters of the country. The Burgtheater, in particular, has become his ancestral home in recent years.

(press release)

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