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Whether dahaam or dahoam or at home. Gifted. Dahaam you can relax heavenly. But Dahaam can also be hell. Dahaam tastes best. Or only half as good as at the inn around the corner. Dahaam is always something going on. Unless we watch TV. Dahaam it really goes off. Or pretty much off the mark. Dahaam everything is sparkling clean. Or completely mixed up. Dahaam we learn to walk and
fall, play and cheat, love and lie. Dahaam we create. And Amazon everything here. Dahaam everything is private. And yet always highly political. Dahaam is global climate change in bonsai mode.
Dahaam a Chinese plastic sea wafting through the nursery. Dahaam everything is different and much the same. And all around is Austria.

And so that “Dahaam” doesn’t become too Austrian, Christof Spörk has himself accompanied for the first time by the passionate drummer and quick-witted bassist Alberto Lovison. By the way, he is in Italy. And who now still does not know what the program is called, please stay dahaam!

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