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Radically inconsistent

With her program “Radikal inkonsequent” Eva Maria Marold surprises once again with her versatility. The native Burgenlander, a born singer, duly takes us into the world in which she feels at home: the world of music.

It will be a very personal evening with their very own interpretations of well-known songs from A for ABBA to Z for ZAPPA. There is music and lamentation, laughter and reflection. It is about love and death and, if there is not enough oxygen, breathing difficulties. It’s about luck and about men, about villains and about innocent lambs. Eva sings loud, high and with a lot of heart, making the odd joke in between.

The title says it all: inconsistent, because it takes us on a journey through all eras and genres of the music world, and radical, because it doesn’t whistle anything. This time they will be accompanied on stage by two of the world’s best musicians: Andi Pilhar on keyboard and Goran Mikulec on guitar.

Copyright photo: Jan Frankl

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